Active's new devices offer an improved way of Cellulite treatment, utilizing RF energy. Cellulite forms due to the accumulation of fat in fat cells trapped in the connective tissues. With the RF energy, we can increase the metabolism of the connective tissues and break / shrink the fat cells trapped inside them, resulting in a smooth, cellulite free skin.
Read moreCellulite can be seen in nearly 80% of all adult females, mainly on the legs, abdomen and pelvic areas. While lifestyle and nutrition do effect the amount of cellulite, they cannot prevent it from appearing.
Our bodies have connective tissues which are constructed mainly from collagen and elastic fibers. Fat cells are trapped in between these fibers. Over the years fat starts to accumulate in the trapped fat cells - due to lower metabolism, genetics, hormonal status and nutrition factors, resulting in an orange peel-like skin appearance.
Radiofrequency (RF) Method has a unique capability to generate excessive heat in deeper skin layers (subcutaneous) while the skin surface remains moderately cool and well protected.
Cellulite removal requires sufficient energy in order to reach the critical temperature of 65°C on the treated connective tissue.
Fat has a significantly higher electrical resistance compared with other skin cells. The greater fat electrical resistance leads to faster
and higher heating effect of the fat cells, compared with the surrounding connective tissue. This in turn, leads to increased
metabolism and shrinkage of fat cells by the release of liquid fat (fatty acids) to the lymphatic system.
The internal heating results in the following effects:
The treatment enhance the increase of metabolism and brakeage \ shrinkage of the fat cells in the connective tissue, resulting in a smooth cellulite free skin.
The Spirit-918 utilizes improved laser diodes capable of producing a powerful beam with high intensity.
The combination of tested treatment protocols with high end engineering makes the Extra-818 the perfect device for leading clinics.
The Extra – 818m sets a specific pulse pattern according to the selected treatment type, skin color, skin photosensitivity and treatment depth.