Age Control

Age Control

Age Control

The Age Control line of products is formulated to treat and care for mature, aging skin and is especially active in slowing down the skin aging processes and in delaying the appearance of age signs.

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The active ingredients sustain in the assimilation of collagen, elastin and inter-cellular material as well as preserve the moisture level in the skin, help in achieving a tightening and lifting effect for a younger and radiant look.

Thanks to the accumulative effect of the formulations, the performance of the products is both immediate, of tightening and smoothing as well as in the long term by addressing the hormonal imbalances in mature skin.

Active Ingredients: Phytoestrogens derived from Soy Beans and Wild Yam, plant Phytoproteins derived from Wheat and Soy Beans, Red Sea Algae, Spirulina, extracts such as Clover, Aloe Vera, Green Tea and more.

Age Control products will show:

  • A visible diminishing of existing age and stress signs such as expression lines, creases and wrinkles.
  • An increase in the production of collagen and elastin for a more supple, firm texture.
  • A significant lifting and "plumping" effect.
  • A well nourished and hydrated skin texture and less signs of hormonal imbalances characteristic of mature skin.

Super Lift is a gentle exfoliator that renews the skin complexion and gives a noticeable tightening effect for a younger looking and radiant skin texture.

Firming Serum, this stabilizing formulation helps in reducing expression lines, improves the skin's compactness and gives a long-term lifting effect.

Rebuilding Gel, an excellent moisturizer, helps sensitive and mature skin get an instant lift and a smoother texture.

Renewal Cream is a nourishing formulation containing high percentages of phytoestrogens and phytoproteins and helps the skin find its natural balance for a pleasant and healthy form.

We recommend combining the at home treatment products with an intensive professional, tightening treatment at the beauty salon which can include the Lifting Mask.

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